- Try to use less bread and more whole-grains such as brown rice, barley or whole-grain pasta
- Instead of buying frozen ready made meals, double your recipes when cooking and freeze the leftovers for your own healthy frozen meals
- Make your own salad dressing – use olive oil and vinegar to dress salads
- Make your own soups and freeze the leftovers
- Bring leftovers for lunch
- Use frozen vegetables and fruits; they cost less but are just as nutritious as fresh varieties
- Plan out your menu each week before shopping and use a shopping list
- Use the sales flyer to identify fruit and vegetable specials – fresh fruits and veggies are often on sale in their peak season - freeze for use later in the seasons
- Learn couponing to maximize savings on all your grocery needs
- Cut down on refined foods, such as chips, candies and soda – these add to your waistline and are more expensive, considering the minimal nutrients they provide
Frugal Living - While - Living Naturally
Check Out You Tube Video Bar for More Information.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Eating healthfully doesn’t need to take a lot of time and money.
Here’s a few helpful cooking tips to get your eating on a heart-healthy track – even if you’re on a budget. Take small steps and try to incorporate a couple of these a week.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The 10 Steps To Make Your Kid A Millionaire
(10 Steps copied from the Magazine)
William Baldwin, 06.08.11, 06:00 PM EDT
Forbes Magazine dated June 27, 2011
Here's how to ensure that your family's next generation is an affluent one.
We're spending our children's money. So goes the refrain from people appalled at the government's deficits. As long as entitlement spending and tax collections continue on their present course, it's an undeniable truth.
Instead of wringing your hands, do something about it. Make your children so prosperous that they can withstand the Medicare cutbacks and tax increases that lie ahead. Here are ten tactics for boosting the net worth of your offspring.
Step 1 - Don't Over-educate
That master's degree your son or daughter wants to get may be a bad investment. This heretical thought comes from Laurence Kotlikoff, a Boston University economist who studies earning and consumption patterns. An advanced degree confers a higher salary, but it comes at a high cost, too. It includes tuition, often borrowed, plus a year or more of lost earnings.Kotlikoff can show you how a hardworking M.D. may wind up with only slightly more spendable income over a lifetime than a plumber. He compares a doctor practicing in Ohio with a plumber from the same state.
Using statewide averages, he pegs the doctor's peak pay at $185,900 and the plumber's at $71,700. His hypothetical doctor, however, has a much shorter career; she doesn't finish her residency until 11 years out of high school. She shells out a lot of money on tuition, student loan interest and income taxes. The plumber winds up with $33,200 a year of spending money (in inflation-adjusted dollars) over his adult life. The doc can spend only a little more: $33,700 a year.
High Payoff Majors
Median Earnings
Petroleum Engineering: $120,000
Pharmacy: $105,000
Math/Computers: $98,000
Low Payoff Majors
Theology: $38,000
Early Childhood Education: $36,000
Psychology: $29,000
Step 2 - Find a Cheap B.A.
In a similar vein is the fallacy that degrees from prestigious universities are particularly valuable. The reality, argues Kotlikoff, is that their grads do well in life because of talent and ambition, not because of what they pick up in the classroom or even the doors that open to those who hold a fancy sheepskin. If your youngster gets into an elite school offering no financial aid and a lesser one with a $10,000 merit scholarship, make sure he or she considers the second option carefully.Cheap Colleges
These are tuition-free, but you may have to cover room and board--or work.
Berea College
Cooper Union
Deep Springs College
U.S. Military Academy
Expensive Colleges
These are at the high end for tuition, room and board (2010-11).
Bard College: $54,300
Columbia University: $54,400
Sarah Lawrence College: $57,600
Wesleyan University: $54,000
Step 3 - Fund a Roth
Tell your kids you will match every dollar they earn working, provided that your dollars go into a retirement account they promise not to touch for 50 years. Three things make this strategy a winner: the positive effect of incentives (even those whose payday is a half-century away), the tax code's preference for retirement savings and the power of compound interest.
Your kids are allowed to contribute to individual retirement accounts only up to the amount they earn from employment (investment income doesn't count). As long as you stay within that limit, however, the dollars can come out of your pocket.
Suppose daughter Caitlin earns $5,000 this summer waiting tables. She uses the money on college tuition, if that's what your arrangement is, or if not then on whatever. Separately, you deposit $5,000 into her Roth IRA. That's the kind Caitlin can't deduct from her current year's tax bill but whose principal and earnings are tax-exempt when withdrawn decades in the future.
This is a smart move. Caitlin probably won't owe any federal income tax on that summer job in any case, because her standard deduction will more than cover it. Since Caitlin would get no benefit from an upfront tax deduction, she's better off opting for total tax freedom on her withdrawals when she retires.
Be careful with this strategy if your child plans to apply for financial aid. Aid formulas generally treat assets held in your name as only partially available to cover college costs; those held by your kid are considered fully available, even if held in an IRA.
To avoid having Caitlin's Roth money confiscated by the college bursar, put off funding it until April of her junior year--after she's handed in her final-year financial aid forms. The IRS permits contributions this late on earnings from the previous summer. Then wait another six months, until the fall of Caitlin's senior year in college, to add a contribution covering her earnings from the most recent summer.
If your bank is flustered by the idea of kiddie Roths, take your business elsewhere. Mutual fund companies are more hip to this strategy.
Number of kiddie ROTH accounts at Vanguard: 40,000
Maximum annual contribution: $5,000
Do plan carefully if your child may qualify for college financial aid
Don't fund a child's retirement unless you have maxed out contributions to your own
Step 4 - Shun Card Debt
Through your words and deeds, get your children to take to heart the notion that revolving credit card balances are an addiction foisted on the middle class by an evil industry. The average running card balance is $8,000. At a 15% interest rate that balance will, over a lifetime, impoverish the borrower by $60,000 in interest charges. Average cards held by college students: 4.6
Average card debt: $3,200
From a 2008 survey of college loan applications. Source: Sallie Mae
Step 5 - Shop For A 529
If you're like most parents, you're hounded by every planner and financial institution you've come in contact with to open a Section 529 college savings account. The selling point is that earnings are free of tax if you withdraw the money to pay for college. Some 529s are a great deal, offering low overhead costs and an immediate deduction on state income taxes for deposits. Some plans are stinkers, with high fees and no tax deduction. New York has a good deal: a deduction on a joint return for the first $10,000 a year you put in and a 0.25% annual expense ratio if you invest directly rather than via a broker. In Texas, by contrast, you get no tax deduction because the state has no income tax. Buy into the Texas 529 plan through a stockbroker and expenses could top 2.3%. That's enough to erase any federal tax benefit on the earnings.Expensive Plans
10-year cost on $10,000 investment1
State: Highest Cost Option
District of Columbia: $2,498
Nebraska: $1,900
Missouri: $1,878
Kansas: $1,690
Wisconsin: $1,630
Cheap Plans
State: Lowest Cost Option
Utah: $262
Virginia: $257
Ohio: $243
Rhode Island: $77
Louisiana: $0
Step 6 - Give Away Grandpa's IRA
Let's say your father just died at age 85 and left you his $100,000 IRA. If he put his affairs in order, his beneficiary designation forms named you as primary beneficiary and your two children, ages 12 and 14, as secondary beneficiaries. You can "disclaim" the money so it goes to the kids.The passing of the money to the next generation allows the account to compound tax-deferred for many more years. The extra compounding comes into play because the required minimum distributions will be based on your kids' expected life spans instead of your far shorter one. Your 12-year-old will have to withdraw $700 of his $50,000 in his or her first year and will owe what's likely to be a minimal amount of tax on it.
If all goes well the youngsters will still be enjoying the inherited tax shelter when they become grandparents themselves. In the meantime, stick the required distributions into a taxable (non-IRA) account. Your kids will gain control of both the inherited IRAs and taxable accounts upon reaching majority--usually at 18 or 21 (depending on the state). If you've adequately indoctrinated them in the value of thrift, however, they will gladly let the IRA money ride for many more years as it swells into a sizable nest egg.
Step 7 - Start Them Young
Children should learn about budgets--and limits--at an early age. Instead of giving kids small allowances for movies and candy, give them larger ones and have them pay for things like clothes and transportation. This will teach them about tradeoffs and buyer's remorse.Step 8 - Give Stock
If you are in a high tax bracket, you likely own a wide assortment of stocks, bonds and funds. Some will go up and some down. Sell the losers to defray income elsewhere on your tax return. Give away the winners. If the recipient has a low income, he or she will owe no federal taxes on the capital gain. You could, for example, give your daughter a $12,000 block of stock for which you paid $7,000. She sells it in order to buy a house. If her taxable income (including the $5,000 gain on the stock) is less than $34,500, the gain is federally exempt. If she's married, she can have a taxable income on her joint return of up to $69,000 without losing the 0% rate.
The 0% capital gains rate for low-bracket taxpayers is set to expire in two years but stands a decent chance of being extended.
Do give away appreciated stock you want to unload.
Do watch out for kiddie tax on recipients under 24.
Don't give away depreciated stock. Just sell it.
Step 9 - Put Your Kids In a House
The gift of a down payment that gets your kid into his or her first home can create a benefit compounding over decades. Fearful that the housing slump could drag on a few more years? It's not worth the worry if you stretch out your horizon to 20 or 30 years.Cashing out is tax-favored, too: Up to $500,000 per couple of homeowner capital gain is exempt. You don't get that with your stock portfolio.
Homeownership rate for those under 35: 37.9%
Fractions of last year's buyers under 25: 6%
Step 10 - Hire Your Offspring
If you own a business, put your kids on the payroll. They have to do real work, to be sure, and you can pay them only what you'd pay other people for the same tasks. But if they can surmount these hurdles the tax benefits are large.A child with no investment income pays 0% on the first $5,800 of earned income. So, by shifting income between generations, you can effectively lower the federal income tax on it from 35% to 0%. That savings more than covers the Social Security tax imposed on earned income. You can combine this income-shifting strategy with the Roth gambit described on page 68.
Tonia Dyas, a database programmer in Rescue, Calif., has her 13-year-old on the payroll at $325 a month as an office assistant. He's young enough to rate an exemption from Social Security and Medicare tax for family employees.
Troy Onink, a financial planner who specializes in saving for college and retirement, takes this tactic to another level. He says that college students with valuable skills can sometimes make enough money in a family-owned company to cover more than half their college costs.
At that point they become eligible for a valuable tuition tax credit that their high-bracket parents cannot claim. The high earned income also enables them to escape the kiddie tax on appreciated securities. If you can pull it off, the Onink strategy gives you a five-way win: a shift of earned income to a lower bracket, a fat standard deduction, a Roth, a 0% rate on your stock gains and a tuition tax credit.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What to do with Expired Coupons - Help Our Military Families
You can send your coupons to Coups for Troops http://www.coupsfortroops.com/p/faq.html a group based in NC that is dedicating their time to this noble cause. Military families can use expired coupons (up to 6 months) at PXs and commissaries overseas. This is an easy way to help those serving and also cut down on paper waste.
Coups For Troops
PO Box 147
Winnabow NC 28479
Thursday, June 23, 2011
How to work from home as a transcriptionist
by Crystal on April 4, 2011
Guest post by April at AprilHodson.com
Hundreds of thousands of people are searching for a legitimate way to earn an income from home. Sadly, an overwhelming majority of what they run into is a scam, produces minuscule amounts of money or requires a considerable investment in training programs and/or years of experience.
Home-based transcription is a work-at-home job which allows people to make a real living without special education or experience required. Granted, just like any real job, it takes practice and study to become efficient, but the pay and flexibility of the job can be very rewarding.
I began my own transcription career at age 18. My mom was a small town court reporter from North Carolina and she taught me how to create legal documents. I was able to use the knowledge she gave me to start my own business as a legal transcriptionist.
I quickly discovered that the field of home-based transcription had many available opportunities. It wasn’t just for people with a medical certification, or even just for those with legal training. There were great general transcription positions available open to anyone with a strong work ethic, speedy typing, and good grammar and spelling abilities. Before I knew it, I had several different companies willing to provide me with work!
This proved to be a tremendous blessing for my family. It financially supported us through three years of my husband’s education and an additional two years through some pretty huge life changes. I took my job with me from North Carolina to California and back again to North Carolina, and was even able to work while caring for two precious babies.
Interested in working from home as a transcriptionist? Here are some qualifications needed:
1. Fast Typer: As a transcriptionist, you specialize in converting audio that you hear into specially formatted documents called transcripts. While you have a foot pedal to start and stop the audio when you need to, you will still need an absolute minimum typing speed of 60 words per minute, by hiring company standards and to make the job worth your time and energy.
If you’re not already a fast typist, don’t worry! Practice is all it takes to get your speed up. You can test your speed and work on improving it with transcription and typing practice.
2. Skilled Writer: Proper grammar usage, spelling and punctuation are very important in translating the spoken word to written. You can change the meaning completely by simply misplacing a period or comma. If you need to brush up on your writing skills, I recommend reviewing the guidelines and taking the quizzes by The Basic Elements of English Grammar Guide – University of Calgary.
3. Detailed Reseacher: As a transcriptionist, you are frequently exposed to new ideas, people, places and words you’ve not heard of before. This is a fun part about the job, but it can also be challenging to understand and spell correctly unless you’re skilled at researching. You can find some helpful research resources for transcriptionists that I’ve put together.
You can expect to be paid anywhere from $6 to $60 per hour. When I first started and was learning the ropes, I was able to make about $12-$15 per hour. Knowing what I know now, and having increased my typing speed to 90-100 WPM, I am able to make about $25-$30 per hour. The more you practice and work on improving, generally, the more you’re going to make.
Steps of action to starting out as a transcriptionist:
- Create a winning resume and cover letter.
- Make sure you have the tools necessary to perform your work. Many companies require you to type a small transcript as part of your employment application, so it’s best to be ready before applying. You can find a list of tools and software needed here.
- Start applying to any and all transcription companies you can. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear back regarding your first few applications. I applied to nearly 60 companies before I was hired. Once you’ve got your foot in the door, it’s often easier to be accepted by more companies.
Happily married and delighted to be the stay-at-home mom of two munchkins (so far), April shares resources and articles relevant to making the most of life as a mom and wife on her new blog, AprilHodson.com. For more information on getting started as a transcriptionist, be sure to visit the Home-Based Transcriptionist section of her blog.
photo credit
Reposted from Money Saving Mom
Tips for Saving Money on Baby Stuff
Here are some tips to save money on baby stuff. A lot of the best deals come around when the drug stores have a good deal that can be paired with a good coupon. That is when you will be able to get free formula, diapers, and wipes.
Sign up for Enfamil Family Beginnings, Similac Strong Moms, and Gerber Generation. Each of these programs will provide you with formula coupons and samples when the baby first arrives. Similac has the most coupons and samples and they are very responsive. If you ask them to send you coupons or samples, they are the most likely to do so. When you get the coupons, pair them with sales or ECB/UP reward deals to maximize the value. For example: Use your coupons for the Similac deal at CVS this week to save even more.
Enfamil has a program running right now where you can get a free case of newborn nursettes if you are due to have your baby within 3 months. If you recently had a baby, they may send you one too. You need to get a promo code in order to participate. Your OB/GYN should have flyers in their office which contain the promo code required. When you get the code, you can call Enfamil and they will ask you a few questions and then mail out your free formula.
All three companies offer hospital gift bags as well. My hospital did not participate, but I contacted the companies afterward and they mailed out the gift bag, which also included coupons and samples.
If you have a family member who doesn’t mind receiving samples and coupons for you, sign them up too.
Sign up for Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards and Pampers Gifts to Grow. Both of these programs will allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free products or coupons. I usually file my codes away and wait for double points promotions. That is when you can get the biggest value for your points. They only run them once or twice per year, but if you can wait, it is worth it. The Huggies program will mail you coupons as well. There are free codes available online for both programs. Ann usually posts them when they come around so keep an eye out. I rarely buy Pampers, but I have about 1500 points already just from free codes.
Keep an eye out on the Huggies site for the free wipes or free diapers coupons. You need about 300 points to redeem them, but those are the best value. I will let everyone know when I see that deal again. When I get the free product coupons, I usually save them until I see an ECB/UP deal so I can turn them into a moneymaker.
When you find a good deal, STOCK UP! I probably bought 30 packages of diapers during the last Rite Aid deal and I’m glad that I did since these deals don’t come around that often.
Keep an eye out for deals at Rite Aid and CVS. Rite Aid usually has the best diaper deals, but you may need to jump through a few extra hoops to get the best deal. For example, you may need to participate in the Video Values program or Single Check rebates in order to save the most.
If you have a Target or Wegmans near you, keep an eye out for store coupons to pair with the manufacturer coupons. I recently got a bunch of free wipes at Wegmans with a $1/1 store coupon and a 75¢/1 manufacturer coupon.
Keep an eye out for Huggies coupons online. That is where you will get the best, high value coupons. When coupons become available, they usually post a link on their Facebook page.
I will be sure to let everyone know about the best scenarios when the next great deal comes along.
Use cloth diapers. I buy disposables too, mostly for outings or nighttime, but our primary diapers are cloth. The up front investment is a little higher, but the long term savings are tremendous. We use Fuzzi Bunz. They are so easy to clean. They are one of the more expensive brands, but well worth it if you ask me. If you do go with cloth, look for deals first. There are some great sites that offer discounts and freebies on occasion. Check out diaperpin.com for a list of current deals.
Sign up for the Beech Nut newsletter and they will send you coupons via email each month. If you sign up for their mailing list, they will send you a free product coupon. Ask your friends or family to print extra copies if you find a good coupon. They often have one for 75¢/1 Rice Cereal which will get you free (or really cheap cereal) if your store doubles coupons.
Gerber is now offering coupons on Facebook. Be sure to keep an eye out for coupons from them. They will also mail you age-appropriate coupons when you sign up for the Gerber Generation program.
Earth’s Best offers coupons on their website and via mail if you sign up for their newsletter.
Sign up for Recyclebank. When you get enough points, you can cash them in for free Happy Baby company product coupons (these products are sold locally at Target and Wegmans).
Make your own baby food. It takes some work, but you can save a ton of money if you make your own baby food. I usually make a big batch of whatever food we are having and then I use ice cube trays to freeze them. After they are frozen, I transfer the cubes into ziploc bags. That way, I can take out one or two cubes as needed. Super Baby Food is a great book to learn more about making your own baby food.
Shop the clearance section at your local department stores. Target is one of my favorites. When they do their 75% off markdowns, you can get an outfit for $2. Watch the Target website for coupons as well. They occasionally have coupons on their website for baby items which can get you free or cheap clothes if you pair them with a sale or clearance find. For example, they had a coupon at the end of summer last year for $3 off any kids denim. I got a bunch of jean shorts for .50 cents each with these coupons and a clearance sale. They also had a coupon recently for $1/1 Circo baby item, which I used to get free kids socks.
Now that I know there are so many people who are interested in baby deals, I will start sending message to Ann when I find a really good deal. That way, everyone can have a chance to take advantage. I will be sure to let you know if I think of any other good money-saving tips.
Suzanne (Posted on Coupons, Deals & More)
Sign up for Enfamil Family Beginnings, Similac Strong Moms, and Gerber Generation. Each of these programs will provide you with formula coupons and samples when the baby first arrives. Similac has the most coupons and samples and they are very responsive. If you ask them to send you coupons or samples, they are the most likely to do so. When you get the coupons, pair them with sales or ECB/UP reward deals to maximize the value. For example: Use your coupons for the Similac deal at CVS this week to save even more.
Enfamil has a program running right now where you can get a free case of newborn nursettes if you are due to have your baby within 3 months. If you recently had a baby, they may send you one too. You need to get a promo code in order to participate. Your OB/GYN should have flyers in their office which contain the promo code required. When you get the code, you can call Enfamil and they will ask you a few questions and then mail out your free formula.
All three companies offer hospital gift bags as well. My hospital did not participate, but I contacted the companies afterward and they mailed out the gift bag, which also included coupons and samples.
If you have a family member who doesn’t mind receiving samples and coupons for you, sign them up too.
Sign up for Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards and Pampers Gifts to Grow. Both of these programs will allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free products or coupons. I usually file my codes away and wait for double points promotions. That is when you can get the biggest value for your points. They only run them once or twice per year, but if you can wait, it is worth it. The Huggies program will mail you coupons as well. There are free codes available online for both programs. Ann usually posts them when they come around so keep an eye out. I rarely buy Pampers, but I have about 1500 points already just from free codes.
Keep an eye out on the Huggies site for the free wipes or free diapers coupons. You need about 300 points to redeem them, but those are the best value. I will let everyone know when I see that deal again. When I get the free product coupons, I usually save them until I see an ECB/UP deal so I can turn them into a moneymaker.
When you find a good deal, STOCK UP! I probably bought 30 packages of diapers during the last Rite Aid deal and I’m glad that I did since these deals don’t come around that often.
Keep an eye out for deals at Rite Aid and CVS. Rite Aid usually has the best diaper deals, but you may need to jump through a few extra hoops to get the best deal. For example, you may need to participate in the Video Values program or Single Check rebates in order to save the most.
If you have a Target or Wegmans near you, keep an eye out for store coupons to pair with the manufacturer coupons. I recently got a bunch of free wipes at Wegmans with a $1/1 store coupon and a 75¢/1 manufacturer coupon.
Keep an eye out for Huggies coupons online. That is where you will get the best, high value coupons. When coupons become available, they usually post a link on their Facebook page.
I will be sure to let everyone know about the best scenarios when the next great deal comes along.
Use cloth diapers. I buy disposables too, mostly for outings or nighttime, but our primary diapers are cloth. The up front investment is a little higher, but the long term savings are tremendous. We use Fuzzi Bunz. They are so easy to clean. They are one of the more expensive brands, but well worth it if you ask me. If you do go with cloth, look for deals first. There are some great sites that offer discounts and freebies on occasion. Check out diaperpin.com for a list of current deals.
Sign up for the Beech Nut newsletter and they will send you coupons via email each month. If you sign up for their mailing list, they will send you a free product coupon. Ask your friends or family to print extra copies if you find a good coupon. They often have one for 75¢/1 Rice Cereal which will get you free (or really cheap cereal) if your store doubles coupons.
Gerber is now offering coupons on Facebook. Be sure to keep an eye out for coupons from them. They will also mail you age-appropriate coupons when you sign up for the Gerber Generation program.
Earth’s Best offers coupons on their website and via mail if you sign up for their newsletter.
Sign up for Recyclebank. When you get enough points, you can cash them in for free Happy Baby company product coupons (these products are sold locally at Target and Wegmans).
Make your own baby food. It takes some work, but you can save a ton of money if you make your own baby food. I usually make a big batch of whatever food we are having and then I use ice cube trays to freeze them. After they are frozen, I transfer the cubes into ziploc bags. That way, I can take out one or two cubes as needed. Super Baby Food is a great book to learn more about making your own baby food.
Shop the clearance section at your local department stores. Target is one of my favorites. When they do their 75% off markdowns, you can get an outfit for $2. Watch the Target website for coupons as well. They occasionally have coupons on their website for baby items which can get you free or cheap clothes if you pair them with a sale or clearance find. For example, they had a coupon at the end of summer last year for $3 off any kids denim. I got a bunch of jean shorts for .50 cents each with these coupons and a clearance sale. They also had a coupon recently for $1/1 Circo baby item, which I used to get free kids socks.
Now that I know there are so many people who are interested in baby deals, I will start sending message to Ann when I find a really good deal. That way, everyone can have a chance to take advantage. I will be sure to let you know if I think of any other good money-saving tips.
Suzanne (Posted on Coupons, Deals & More)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Making Money with Swag Bucks
Making Money
Swagbucks - How It Works!
Saturday, May 28, 2011 From Coupon Keri
If you are not a Swagbucks user, you should definitely give it a try! Since starting, I have earned $40 in Paypal Cash and $300 in Amazon Gift Cards!How does it work?
- Join up with Swagbucks HERE
- Install the Swagbucks Toolbar (makes earning easier)
- Start an Internet search using the toolbar. You can search for anything you want. You may or may not earn swagbucks immediately. When you win, it may be a few hours before another search will win you more so don't spend all day trying to search for everything to win. I usually win 2-3 times a day
- You can also earn Swagbucks through special Swag Codes that are hidden online. You can get hints by using the Swagbucks Widget on the right side of the page on my blog and on the toolbar.
- Take the daily poll and visit the Surveys every day for an extra Swagbuck. (I don't recommend taking the surveys)
- Watch Swagbucks TV - You earn Swagbucks for watching videos
- Print Coupons - If you print and redeem coupons you get Swagbucks!
- Now refer your friends. When they join and win swagbucks, you get swagbucks too!!! If you get enough friends to do searches then you wont have to do anything but watch your Swagbucks increase
- SHOP in the Swagstore! You can redeem your swagbucks for all kinds of neat things! The gift cards for Amazon are the best value costing only 450 Swagbucks!!!
14 Grocery List Staples That Are Getting More Expensive
High prices at the gas pump have been grabbing headlines, but it’s rising costs at the supermarket that are really starting to take a bite out of household budgets. The component of the consumer price index that tracks grocery prices, known as the food at home index, jumped 0.5% in May from where it stood in April, calculated on a seasonally adjusted basis. Meanwhile, the gasoline-index component of the CPI fell 2.0% in May, the first decline since June 2010.
Food prices have been creeping up all year. According to the latest American Farm Bureau Federation Marketbasket Survey, 14 of the 16 supermarket staples it tracks have increased in price between the first and second quarters of 2011. Boneless chicken breasts (down 7%) and shredded cheese (down 1.5%) are the only two grocery items that cost less than they did three months ago.
Here are the 14 common grocery-list items from the Marketbasket Survey that have climbed in price since the first quarter, as well as the USDA’s latest projections for food-cost increases in 2011. As a bonus, we’ve thrown in a few tips on how to save on these grocery items.
Russett Potatoes
Current average price: $3.07 for a 5-pound bag Price change (from Q1): up 43 cents
Percent change: 16.3%
Projected change for 2011: 4.5%-5.5%
Savings tip: Make the most of a bargain 20-pound sack of spuds. Mashed, fried, baked or roasted, potatoes are filling and can stretch a meal budget. Store in a dark, cool place to keep fresh longer.
Sirloin Tip Roast
Current average price: $4.48 per pound
Price change (from Q1): up 52 cents
Percent change: 13.1%
Projected change for 2011: 7%-8%
Savings tip: Minimize your mealtime costs and make your cardiologist happy by going meatless twice a week. A family of four can save $624 annually by becoming part-time vegetarians.
Current average price: $4.18 per pound
Price change (from Q1): up 32 cents
Percent change: 8.3%
Projected change for 2011: 6.5%-7.5%
Savings tip: Get a better deal by buying your bacon in bulk from a warehouse club. Put your extra slabs of pork in re-sealable plastic bags and stash them in the freezer. Bacon defrosts rapidly.
Price change (from Q1): up 11 cents
Percent change: 7.6%
Projected change for 2011: 3%-4%
Savings tip: Buy apples by the bagful rather than individually to reap a lower unit cost. Stow your Granny Smiths and Red Deliciouses in the refrigerator to keep them crisp and juicy.
Sliced Deli Ham
Current average price: $5.26 per pound
Price change (from Q1): Up 35 cents
Percent change: 7.1%
Projected change for 2011: 6.5%-7.5%
Savings tip: Ask your local butcher for the lunchmeat ends that may otherwise go to waste. They’re cheaper than a pound of deli meat and just as tasty in your brownbag lunch.
Ground Chuck
Current average price: $3.29 per pound Price change (from Q1): up 19 cents
Percent change: 6.1%
Projected change for 2011: 7%-8%
Savings tip: Instead of buying ground beef, purchase a chuck roast on sale and grind it yourself. It’ll taste the same -- or perhaps better, considering the money you’ll save -- and allay your mystery-meat fears.
Whole Milk
Current average price: $3.62 per gallon
Price change (from Q1): up 16 cents
Percent change: 4.6%
Projected change for 2011: 5%-6%
Savings tip: Reserve your regular milk for your morning bowl of cereal. For recipes that call for it, use the less expensive powdered version instead. Just add water. You won’t taste the difference.
Vegetable Oil
Current average price: $3.01 for a 32-ounce bottle
Price change (from Q1): up 13 cents
Percent change: 4.5%
Projected change for 2011: 6%-7%
Savings tip: If you normally use expensive extra virgin olive oil for cooking, opt for a lower grade instead. Scan your supermarket shelves for bottles labeled simply “olive oil.”
Toasted Oat Cereal
Price change (from Q1): up 12 cents
Percent change: 3.9%
Projected change for 2011: 3.5%-4.5%
Savings tip: Try your grocer’s store-label equivalent or buy a generic version of your favorite morning munchies. If you can’t live without name brands, look for coupons in the Sunday newspaper.
Price change (from Q1): up 3 cents
Percent change: 1.9%
Projected change for 2011: 4.5%-5.5%
Savings tip: Visit your farmers market near closing time for a better deal on fresh, locally produced eggs. At day’s end, vendors are more likely to slip something extra into your bag.
Orange Juice
Current average price: $3.18 for a half-gallon
Price change (from Q1): up 4 cents
Percent change: 1.3%
Projected change for 2011: 3%-4%
Savings tip: Head to the frozen foods aisle for cheaper-per-ounce and just-as-refreshing orange juice concentrate. Add water, stir and enjoy the very same vitamin-C rush.
Current average price: $1.86 for a 20-ounce loaf
Price change (from Q1): up 2 cents
Percent change: 1.1%
Projected change for 2011: 3.5%-4.5%
Savings tip: Pounce whenever your grocery store or bakery has a two-for-one sale. Eat one loaf immediately -- French toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and grilled cheese for dinner -- and freeze the other for later.
Bagged Salad
Price change (from Q1): up 1 cent
Percent change: 0.4%
Projected change for 2011: 3%-4%
Savings tip: Go online to find discounts for popular brands of bagged salad. Check Facebook and Twitter pages for printable coupons, and subscribe to e-mail alerts for special deals.
Price change (from Q1): up 1 cent
Percent change: 0.4%
Projected change for 2011: 3.5%-4.5%
Savings tip: Unless you’re an avid baker, you probably don’t use much flour. If that’s the case, only buy what you need when you need it from a bulk bin. Don’t let your money sit idle in the pantry.
Information obtained from Kiplinger June 2011
These are the items that you should be stockpiling if possible.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Stop Paying for a Gym - Exercise for Free!
7 Ways to Exercise for Free |
Submitted by: Tip Hero 06/02/2011 10:45 AM |
There are thousands of excuses for not exercising. One of the most common is that gym memberships are too expensive. Another is that there isn't enough time during the day to head to the gym. Well, Tip Junkie has some great suggestions for avoiding both of these excuses. Take a look at some free ways that you can get a killer workout (from trained professionals in most cases) in your own home:
Check out many more ways to exercise for free over at Tip Junkie's 7 Workouts for People With No Money {Free Sweat}. |
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Save50% or More With These Deals
Information obtained from Coupon Mom
S -Smart Source Newspaper Coupon Insert
RP- Red Plum Newspaper Coupon Insert
PG - Proctor & Gamble Newspaper Coupon Insert
WG - Walgreens Store Coupon
AY - All You Magazine
Your selected Family Dollar deals
Your selected Dollar General deals
Your selected Walgreens deals
Your selected Wal-Mart--New Coupons deals
S -Smart Source Newspaper Coupon Insert
RP- Red Plum Newspaper Coupon Insert
PG - Proctor & Gamble Newspaper Coupon Insert
WG - Walgreens Store Coupon
AY - All You Magazine
Your selected Family Dollar deals
Cpn. Out | Description | Sale Price | Final Price |
Family Dollar | |||
03-13 S | Werthers Candy 3 oz (price valid through 6/27) | $1.00 | $0.25 |
04-17 S1 | Reach Fresh Clean Toothbrush (price valid through 6/27) | $2.00 | $1.00 |
05-08 S | Purina Beggin Strips 6 oz (cpn is for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE - final price $1.50 - price valid through 6/27) | $1.50 | $1.50 |
05-15 S | Hidden Valley Salad Kit, Summer Fun Book Buy 1 Get $.50 Off Dressing Coupon (price valid through 6/27) | $2.50 | $1.50 |
05-22 RP | Suave Lotion 18 oz (cpn is for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE expiring 6/19 - final price $1.50 - price valid through 6/27) | $1.50 | $1.50 |
05-22 RP | Suave Deodorant 1.4 oz (cpn expires 6/19 - some regions got a $.75 cpn making this only $.25 - price valid through 6/27) - charity! | $1.00 | $0.50 |
05-22 RP | Axe Spray 4 oz (cpn is for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE - final price $2.38 - price valid through 6/27) | $2.38 | $2.38 |
05-22 RP | Suave Deodorant 2.6 oz (cpn expires 6/19 - some regions got a $.75 cpn making this only $1.00 - price valid through 6/27) | $1.75 | $1.25 |
05-22 RP | Axe Deodorant 2.7 oz (cpn is for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE - final price $1.93 - price valid through 6/27) | $1.93 | $1.93 |
06-05 RP | Nivea Mens Shave Foam 7 oz (price valid through 6/27) | $2.00 | $1.00 |
06-08 AY | NYC Cosmetics (cpn is for July All You magazine - prices range from $2-4 - price valid through 6/27) | $2.00 | $1.00 |
Your selected Dollar General deals
Cpn. Out | Description | Sale Price | Final Price |
Dollar General | |||
N/A | Kraft Barbecue Sauce 18 oz (price valid through 6/13) | $1.00 | $1.00 |
05-01 PG | Febreze Air Effects Twin Pack 9.7 oz each (price valid through 6/13) | $5.00 | $4.00 |
05-15 RP | Kraft Dressing 16 oz (price valid through 6/13; cpn expires 6/12) | $1.66 | $1.16 |
05-22 S | Glad Storage Bags, assorted sizes and counts (price valid through 6/13) | $3.00 | $2.50 |
Your selected Walgreens deals
Cpn. Out | Description | Sale Price | Final Price |
Walgreens | |||
N/A | Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream 1 pt, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (limit 4 - mix with Starbucks) | $2.50 | $2.50 |
N/A | Got2B Stylers 2-12 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price - June All You Magazine has $2 cpn) | $3.00 | $3.00 |
N/A | Bayer Advanced Aspirin 80-100 ct, In Ad $3 Off Coupon (estimated price - limit 3 - mix with Low Dose - final price reflects $1.50 printable cpn) Printable Coupon | $4.49 | $4.49 |
N/A | Vidal Sassoon Hair Accessories, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price of one variety) | $1.75 | $1.75 |
N/A | Toffifay Candy 2.75-5.5 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE | $1.15 | $1.15 |
N/A | Kodak FunSaver Camera, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE | $4.00 | $4.00 |
N/A | Dial Soap 3 ct or 9.375 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price) | $1.40 | $1.40 |
N/A | Goody Hair Accessories, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price of one variety) | $1.50 | $1.50 |
N/A | Healthy Woman Soy Supplements 45 ct, FREE after $8 Register Rewards - charity! | $0.00 | FREE |
N/A | Right Guard or Dry Idea Deodorant 2-4 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price) | $1.50 | $1.50 |
N/A | Applied Nutrition Triple Calcium 90 ct, FREE after $10 Register Rewards (June Coupon Book has a $5 cpn that your store might accept - in-store deal - good through 6/25) - charity! | $0.00 | FREE |
N/A | Bugles 7.5 oz, June Coupon Book $.99/3 Coupon | $1.00 | $1.00 |
N/A | Starburst , LifeSavers or Skittles 6-7.2 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE | $1.15 | $1.15 |
N/A | Tone Body Wash 18 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price) | $2.25 | $2.25 |
N/A | Revlon Hair Accessories, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price of one variety) | $2.00 | $2.00 |
N/A | SoBe Lifewater 20 oz, FREE after $.99 Register Rewards - charity! | $0.00 | FREE |
N/A | Riesen Candy 2.75-5.5 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE | $1.15 | $1.15 |
N/A | O Cedar Mop or Broom, 50% Off (estimated price of one variety) | $6.00 | $6.00 |
N/A | Right Guard Body Wash 13.5 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price) | $2.25 | $2.25 |
N/A | Merlot Skin Care, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (estimated price of one variety) | $4.50 | $4.50 |
03-13 S | Werthers Candy 2.75-5.5 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE | $1.15 | $0.40 |
03-20 S | Planters Nuts 6-16 oz, Buy 2 Get $2 Register Rewards (cpn is for Flavor Grove - final price reflects Rewards) | $2.00 | $1.50 |
04-03 S | Blue Diamond Almonds 6 oz, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE | $1.80 | $1.50 |
04-10 RP | Sally Hansen Products, Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off (estimated price of one variety - cpn is for Beauty Tool) Printable Coupon | $3.00 | $1.00 |
04-17 S1 | Reach Total Care or Ultraclean 1 ct or Advanced Design 2 ct Toothbrush, Buy 2 Get $3 Register Rewards (final price reflects Rewards - or use Reward on Floss) - charity! | $1.00 | FREE |
04-17 R2 | Rimmel Lip or Eye Cosmetics, 50% Off (estimated price of one variety) Printable Coupon | $2.00 | $1.00 |
04-17 S1 | Reach Floss 30 yd, Buy 2 Get $3 Register Rewards (final price reflects Rewards - or use Reward on Toothbrush) - charity! | $1.00 | FREE |
04-17 S2 | Finish Jet Dry Rinse Agent 8.45 oz (in-store deal - final price reflects Buy 1 Get $1.50 Register Rewards, newspaper cpn and $1.50 Walgreens cpn found in some 5/22 S) | $0.99 | $0.44 |
04-18 Ay | Finesse Clean & Simple Hair Care 10 oz, FREE after Buy 2 Get $5 Rewards and cpns (cpn is from May All You - additional cpn in some 5/8 S - in-store deal - good through 6/25 - $2 Rebate at http://www.finessehaircare.com - look for Special Offer) | $1.00 | FREE |
05-01 S2 | General Mills Chex Mix 5.5-8.75 oz, June Coupon Book $.99/3 Coupon (newspaper cpn is for 2 - price of 3rd item $1.00) | $1.00 | $0.50 |
05-08 S | Revlon Cosmetics, Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off (estimated price of one variety) | $3.75 | $1.75 |
05-15 S | Stride Shift Gum single pk, In Ad Coupon (limit 4 - mix with Trident) | $0.99 | $0.66 |
05-15 RP | Gillette Deodorant (cpn is for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE - qualifies for Gillette Register Rewards Offer - estimated price of one variety) | $2.50 | $2.50 |
05-22 RP | M&Ms 9.9-14 oz, June Coupon Book $1/2 Coupon | $2.00 | $1.25 |
05-22 RP | Starbucks Ice Cream 1 pt, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (limit 4 - mix with Ben & Jerrys) | $2.50 | $1.50 |
05-22 RP | Coppertone Sun Care excludes Sport, Buy 1 Get $4 Register Rewards (final price reflects Rewards) | $5.99 | $4.99 |
06-05 S | Ban Deodorant 1.5-2.6 oz, In Ad Coupon (limit 4 - newspaper cpn is for Solid) | $1.49 | $0.74 |
06-05 S | Nature Made Vitamins, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE AND Get 1 Skin Beauty & Wellness 7 ct FREE (estimated price of one variety - insert has multiple cpns for select varieties - see June Coupon Book for Triple Probiotic cpn if included in sale) | $2.50 | $1.50 |
06-05 PG | Oral B CrossAction Toothbrush (cpn is for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE - final price $2.00) | $2.00 | $2.00 |
06-05 S | Colgate 360 Clean Toothbrush, Buy 2 Get $2 Register Rewards (May All You magazine has $1 cpn - final price reflects Rewards - or use Reward on Toothpaste) | $1.50 | $0.75 |
06-05 PG | Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor, Buy 1 Get $5 Register Rewards (final price reflects Rewards - in-store deal - good through 6/25) - charity! | $4.89 | $0.89 |
06-05 RP | Garnier Fructis Hair Care 2-13 oz, Buy 4 Get $4 Register Rewards (final price reflects Rewards - in-store deal - good through 6/26) Printable Coupon | $2.50 | $1.50 |
06-05 WG | Colgate Total Toothpaste 4.6-6 oz, Buy 2 Get $2 Register Rewards (cpn from Walgreens Diabetes & You magazine - final price reflects Rewards - or use Reward on Toothbrush) | $1.50 | $0.50 |
06-05 S | Bic Disposable Razors 3-6 ct or Hybrid Advance System, Buy 1 Get $2 Register Rewards (cpn is for select varieties - final price reflects Rewards) | $3.99 | $0.99 |
06-05 PG | Cover Girl Cosmetics, Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off (estimated price of one variety) | $2.62 | $1.62 |
06-05 PG | Oral B Pulsar Toothbrush | $4.99 | $2.99 |
06-05 PG | Gillette Body Wash (in-store deal - final price reflects Buy 7 Get $10 Register Rewards - use 3 BOGO cpns from 6/5 PG and 1 $2 cpn from 5/15 RP) | $0.85 | $0.85 |
06-05 S | John Frieda Hair Care, Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off (estimated price of one variety) | $4.87 | $2.87 |
06-05 PG | Gillette Venus Disposables 2-3 ct, Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off (estimated price) | $5.62 | $3.62 |
06-05 RP | Nivea For Men Skin Care or Body Wash excludes Eye Relief and Q10 Lotion, Buy 2 Get $2 Register Rewards (inserts has cpns for both - final price reflects Rewards) - charity! | $2.50 | $0.50 |
06-05 PG | Gillette Body Wash (cpn is for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE - qualifies for Gillette Register Rewards Offer - estimated price of one variety) | $2.25 | $2.25 |
06-05 S | Colgate 2 in 1 or Total Toothpaste 4.6-6 oz, Buy 2 Get $2 Register Rewards (final price reflects Rewards - or use Reward on Toothbrush) | $1.50 | $0.75 |
06-05 PG | Crest Pro Health Mouthwash 1 ltr | $3.99 | $1.99 |
06-05 PG | Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups jumbp pk, Infant Care Coupon Book $2 cpn AND Buy 1 Get $1 Register Rewards (final price reflects Rewards) | $5.99 | $4.49 |
Your selected Wal-Mart--New Coupons deals
Cpn. Out | Description | Sale Price | Final Price |
Wal-Mart--New Coupons | |||
N/A | Scotch Tape, single roll (visit manufacturer website and sign up, new signups get $1/1, final price $.22) | $0.22 | $0.22 |
N/A | Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste (travel size) .8 oz (printable coupon from Manuf. website, the $1 coupon has no size restriction) | $0.00 | FREE |
N/A | Wilkinson Sword Disposable Razor 4 ct (printable coupon avail here, $1/1, final price FREE)--Charity! | $0.00 | FREE |
N/A | Finesse Shampoo or Conditioner 13 oz (May issue of All You Magazine has $1/1. Visit the maunfacturer website for a $2 rebate, final price $0.57 or money maker) | $0.57 | $0.57 |
04-17 S1 | Reach Floss 55 yds--Charity! | $0.88 | FREE |
05-01 PG | Ivory Bar 3 ct--Charity! | $0.97 | FREE |
05-08 S | Carefree Pantiliners 20 ct--Charity! | $0.94 | FREE |
05-15 RP | Black Flag Fly Paper 4 ct | $0.98 | FREE |
05-15 RP | Sensodyne ProNamel (travel size) .8 oz--Charity! | $0.97 | FREE |
05-22 S | Wonka Exceptionals 3.5 oz Bar (coupon is for BOGO, final price $0.98 each) | $0.98 | $0.98 |
05-22 RP | Suave Deodorant 1.4 oz | $0.97 | $0.47 |
05-22 RP | Bengay Cream 2.66 oz | $4.23 | $1.23 |
05-22 RP | Degree Men or Women Premium Deodorant 2.7-2.8 oz or Body Mist 3 oz (coupon for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, final price $1.81 each) | $1.81 | $1.81 |
05-22 RP | Suave Lotion 10 oz (coupon for BOGO, final price $.88 each | $0.88 | $0.88 |
05-22 RP | Axe Body Spray 4 oz (coupon for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, final price $1.99) | $1.99 | $1.99 |
05-22 S | Zest Soap Bar 3 ct | $1.98 | $0.98 |
05-22 RP | Wish Bone Dressing 8 oz | $1.38 | $0.38 |
05-22 RP | Degree Mens/Womens Deodorant (travel size) .5 oz | $0.97 | $0.22 |
05-22 RP | Suave Body Wash 12 oz (coupon for BOGO, final price $.97 each) | $0.97 | $0.97 |
05-22 RP | Axe Deodorant 3 oz (coupon for Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, final price $1.72) | $1.72 | $1.72 |
05-22 S | Advil 24 ct (additional coupons in May issue of All You Magazine) | $3.48 | $1.48 |
05-22 RP | Bar S Franks Jumbo 16 oz | $1.00 | $0.50 |
06-05 S | Bic Comfort3 Advance Razor 4 pack | $4.87 | $1.87 |
06-05 PG | Oral B Adult Battery Cross Action Toothbrush | $5.97 | $2.97 |
06-05 PG | Olay Regenerist Facial Cleanser 5 oz | $5.97 | $2.97 |
06-05 RP | Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Flavor 3.9 oz pouch | $1.00 | $0.50 |
06-05 S | NexCare Bandages 35 ct | $1.00 | $0.45 |
06-05 PG | Gillette BodyWash 16 oz, (coupon for buy 1 get 1 free, final price $1.74 each) | $1.74 | $1.74 |
06-05 RP | Nivea Body Wash for Men 16.9 oz | $3.00 | $1.00 |
06-05 S | Bic Hybrid Advance Razor 3 pack | $5.97 | $2.97 |
06-05 S | John Frieda Full Repair Styler 6.77 oz | $5.97 | $0.97 |
06-05 PG | Oral B Kids Battery Toothbrush | $5.97 | $2.97 |
06-05 RP | Sally Hansen Toe Spacers | $1.24 | $0.24 |
06-05 PG | Crest Rinse 1 Liter | $4.00 | $2.00 |
06-05 PG | Oral B CrossAction Manual Toothbrush (coupon buy 1 get 1 free, final price $1.74) | $1.74 | $1.74 |
06-05 RP | Nivea Face Care Arctic Balm 4.4 oz Printable Coupon | $3.97 | $1.97 |
06-05 S | Seattles Best Coffee FREE Single Can (9.5 oz any flavor, up to $1.79) | $0.00 | FREE |
06-05 PG | Fixodent Cleanser 36 ct | $3.47 | $1.47 |
06-05 PG | Gillette ProSeries Skin Care Face Scrub 3.3 oz | $3.97 | $1.97 |
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